The bulk of the inventory is comprised of an assortment of electronic apparatuses like treadmills, stationary cycling machines, elliptic peddling stations, and cross-trainers. In and unto themselves, they are not particularly offensive. After all, who has time to walk across country naturally, and where in the Piedmont region of North Carolina, can a person find hills of any stature? Nowhere, that's where.
But there's something more sinister going on here at the prototypical American fitness center. Atop every single solitary exercise machine there is a small TV monitor, and I find this alarming on many levels. By signing the binding-till-death fitness contract, we've already agreed to trade natural locomotion for stationary locomotion (an oxymoron if ever there was one), and on TOP of that, we have tacitly agreed to relinquish control of mental faculties and further to feed directly into a personal boob tube. And it's not optional either. Larger mounted TVs are scattered around the premises, and continuously blast MTV and Fox News programming through the atmosphere. There's no escaping it. Nowhere. Not even in the locker room, where additional TVs are mounted high on the walls, volume set to decibel 10, and channel set to a place that will appeal to the lowest common denominator.
Yesterday, after spending some time on the cross-trainer, staring inanely at the countdown timer and listening to some Fox News commentary promoting witch trials and stockades, I wafted back to the women's locker room, peeled off my sweat saturated exer-uniform and stepped into the sauna. I use the sauna quite frequently, but have never, ever seen another living soul in there. This is a little piece of heaven for me. It is a room devoted to the pursuit of heat. Its sole purpose is, in fact, to project heat. And yet, I never see anyone else in the room. This is fine with me, because in addition to the gym being a kind of media router cum stationary exercise center, it is also a sanctioned community for puritanical notions about nudity--even in the sexually segregated locker rooms. When changing, women huddle down with nun-like modesty and perform impossible maneuvers like removing garments while positioned inside of towels, and I have NEVER, the 2 years I've belonged to this club, seen a set of female buttocks or breasts, or any other portion of the body the moral majority deem unfit for public consumption.
What's going on here? This attitude about nudity is in stark contrast to many spas and facilities I frequented in Europe (the Germans in particular were pro- in the buff) where women folk let it all hang out behind the iron curtain of our women only domain. After all, we are all anatomically the same, aren't we? Is there something different about the American women? Do some possess anomalies? Third breasts? Oddly shaped belly buttons? WHAT?
I don't know. But since I always have the sauna to myself, I can let it all hang out. Here, I can let my towel fall open and bask in the heat until the sweat and toxins pour out of my body. It is a singularly wonderful feeling. I can barely hear the mindless drone of the television while I'm in the sauna, and the only sound capable of drawing me out of my heat worship reverie, is a neurotic motion detector paper towel dispenser which, upon ejecting paper, makes a loud noise that sounds for all the world like someone screaming as they fall off a cliff (complete with doppler effect). But it's not enough to keep me from enjoying my little piece of puritan free and naked nirvana.
Many things to say.
ReplyDelete1) I don't get out much. Since the child came along, I can count on one -- possibly two -- hands the times I have been to the gym. And my memory isn't great. But even so -- even with all that working against me -- I can tell you without reservation that I have seen boobs, butts and bush in the gyms here. Or, the locker rooms, rather. Not out by the free weights. I don't think the women of Northern Virginia are partularly earth-mothery or free-wheelin'. Maybe it's that the ladies of North Carolina have for some reason gone cold and scared, maybe having recieved very repressive messages from their forbears regading their nasty parts. I'm just sayin'. But I don't know. Maybe you could ask the ladies. "Say hey, what's wrong? Why can't I see?"
2) And the media funneling: All I can say about that is I have very highly tuned powers of tuney-outy. What's that -- you're bothered by that screaming baby? Oh, I didn't even notice there WAS a baby. Fox News' bimbo heads getting you down? I didn't even see that there was a TV around here. Maybe being in newsrooms helped me develop this, or maybe it was my mom, and my desire not to receive her messages. I don't know. What I'm saying is: I'd like to relate, but can't. Though, I do think my gym is filled with media platforms as well but each machine has its own little screen, allowing you to, say, watch CSPAN or your local community access channel if you like. Or, you can just slip The New Yorker into the plastic sleeve and become ill while trying to read it as you bounce up and down.
Nevertheless, bravo, I say.
3) Please, can you record that paper towel dispenser sound? I am aching to hear it.
This gives me a lot of food for thought. Maybe my filtering system simply isn't as evolved as yours. The level of focus you're able to muster makes me jealous and spiteful. I will have to try harder. Regarding the secretive ladies of North Carolina, maybe I will ask. Maybe there will be a group revelation with each person shouting "..but I DO want to be nekked, I thought YOU didn't want me to" in turn...
ReplyDeleteI will ask, and see if restraining orders result or not. Regarding bringing reading material...well I have tried, and unless I get some geriatric BIG PRINT version of something it's just not going to be possible what with all of the bouncing going on. But I will try to upgrade surrounding stimulus.
Now: that paper towel machine. I will try...but how... maybe the BB can deliver. The first time I heard this, I was in the sauna (it, in the washing up area), and my first thought upon hearing it was that someone had gone postal and was knocking off fellow members in the main room...followed by, "perhaps he won't check the sauna" but beyond that I displayed little if any concern, but still think it sounds like an anguished human... I will try.
I have more thoughts on this. Upon further reflection, I realize that I have had more naked-lady sightings at the public rec center, where we have taken Eve to swim, than at the gym we belong to (no pool). No membership fee -- just six bucks and you're in. Any ol' time, even if you reek of fish.
ReplyDeleteIs nudity directly related to socioeconomic status? And/or whether or not you were just in a pool?
I wondered that about socioeconomic status. We live in kind of a wonder-bread yuppie world (solid middle class). Maybe you have to either be in an elite class to invoke the holy womanly trinity (buttocks, boobs and holy bush), or else solidly rooted in the lower-socio-economic echelon... Our club doesn't have a pool, so maybe, as you suggested, this is key to understanding naturalism. You're half way to nudity in a pool, so maybe that's it. I will investigate further.
ReplyDeleteMaybe emersing oneself in water reminds a woman of when she used to be a fish, then she is compelled to be naked in the 10 to 15 minutes after that experience to remind herself that she is not a fish. Or is she?
ReplyDeleteWell, I think you've got evolution on the brain--no doubt activated fully by recent revelations about ape cuisine. Maybe it is a return to the inner fish. But I guess it could also be a return to the womb, and innocence, which of course means no reservations about bare-nakedness.... Now it occurs to me that you weren't referring to evolution at all, but think the woman actually used to be a fish. If this is the case, you must keep in mind that others will taunt you for this belief. I know of no one who ever was a fish. Never. No one. But I will fight to the death for your right to believe whatever you like. This country is founded on beliefs such as these...
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's time to open a discussion on things we believe but tell no one, lest we risk a complete full-scale ostrasizing from the cohort.
ReplyDeleteYour very own "This I Believe" (not on NPR)...
ReplyDeleteI like that. Not "All Things Considered" but "All things *I* consider worthy" and not "Fresh Air" but "Stale Air from the Deep Dark Recesses of My Addled Brain"
ReplyDeleteUnless you're planning to run with it, I will blog it forthwith. But must revisit what it is I think I believe...
ReplyDeleteShould I post my Beliefs here?
ReplyDeleteI believe that men are looking to molest my child.
ReplyDeletePost away! Oooooh that's a whopper of one just above!
ReplyDeleteI can post them on the front page with initials or "name" or even Name if you like (or leave them to be excavated here...your choice...)