As a devotee of American Idol, and an erstwhile denizen of the 80s, it should follow that I would have greater tolerance than most for Ms. Abdul. I'm sorry to say that this is not the case. I do not care for the way she flaunts her abuse of pharmaceuticals on prime time television, and I especially do not believe she is qualified to be a music critic and judge. This latter point is the reason I'm up now at 1:40 a.m. and not ensconced in my duvet beneath the soothing oscillations of my white noise fan with Pissy Boy entrenched between my legs. It is Ms. Abdul who keeps me awake, thanks to that infomercial I felt compelled to watch earlier this evening. You see, Paula has her own line of costume jewelry. It is, as one would expect, a garish collection of bangles encrusted with rhinestones and sappy maudlin type engravings, which Ms. Abdul admitted on live television to having composed herself. The consumer may buy a gargantuan sparkle bracelet with the following words embossed on the inside cuff: "He Loves Me, I Love Me More." I mean really. What does that tell us? Is she advocating narcissism? And if that much self-love abounded why in god's name would that person resort to such a level of self-bedizenment? I submit to you that one would not waste money on a trinket that would detract from one's natural beauty and innate self-love. Only a self-loathing and attention-seeking philistine would purchase something from Ms. Abdul's insulting line of glitter crap. Truly.
Next: Why is she a featured judge on America's favorite talent show, American Idol? I have some vague recollection of her having had a minor hit in the 80s with accompanying music video that involved Ms. Abdul wrestling a rodent. Prior to that I believe she was a cheerleader. As far as I know, cheerleaders do not sing. They chant. Nor do they work in an industry where singing is even practiced, unless we count the Nation Anthem, which we do not. No, Ms. Abdul is decidedly NOT qualified to pass judgment on others when it comes to vocal ability. The fact that she has slithered her way into the good graces of Simon Fuller, the Faustian producer of the show, means that her talents surely lie elsewhere, and I, for one, find this type of behavior shameless, particularly at her age.
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