But sleep would not come, so I did a breathing exercise a janitor by the name of Ulysses taught me when I was 25 (Ulysses also dispensed general advice pertaining to bowel regularity, how to alleviate migraines and how to defuse stress). He was a coffee colored hulk of a saintly and articulate man, and I never for the life of me understood how or why he was a janitor and not Andrew Weil.
When Ulysses' breathing exercises failed to work (Herbert was, of course, fast asleep by this time), I tried to play a movie in my head from beginning to end. I selected Ben-Hur (Chuck Heston version) but immediately realized that I couldn't remember anything except the scene where Chuck finds his sister and mother at the leper colony and makes that special Heston grimmace of pain because he feels bad. This immediately brought to mind Soylent Green, and Heston's chest heaving out of a khaki button down as he made the revelation--you know the line. But THEN, I could remember nothing more about the film, but did remember that when Soylent Green first aired on TV, I watched it with a male cousin who showed me his pre-pubescent junk. This, oddly, activated a series of mental flash cards with images including 1) a translucent purple skateboard I once owned but didn't know how to ride, but had purchased because a boy named David Obernesser had one when I was 11, 2) the time I vomited Tropicana on the living room rug, 3) that awful flash demon image from The Exorcist (wide awake by this time).
So next, I decided to exit the bedroom quietly so as not to awaken Herbert from his smoke-free slumber, but became disoriented in the dark room, and ended up in a strange part of the room nowhere near the door. Subsequently banged my foot on the wardrobe, waited for Herbert's startled breathing to return to normal (blindly staring into the dark, and listening intently), and then inched my way along the wall until I found the exit.
Now, here I sit, wide awake with 2 dogs, 1 cat, a deep desire to somehow shut my brain down.
Please to tell me more about Ulysses. And, where can he be found? I need some advice about mammograms.
ReplyDeleteI wish I knew his last name! Maybe it was JUST Ulysses in the same way it's just Madonna and just Cher. I'm sure he would be able to spout forth much information on any topic of biological importance. Alas, he exists now only in my mind. I like to think he wanders the halls of various institutions, and when his philosophical healing work is done, he moves on to another...
ReplyDeleteWhen the inevitable movie of your life is made, Ulysses will be played by Morgan Freeman.