But I don't live in a teepee. That variety of domocile has been outlawed by the local authorities. This makes me sad and angry on some levels. If I had to haul water and collect firewood and kill various things to eke out an existence, I might be better at the cold weather thing.
Maybe I would be made of more durable and cold-resistant stuff if I had never set eyes on Macy's. It's an appealing idea to live a completely perishable life. Shelf life zilch. Eat your Mastadon as it comes. That's right. No Cuisinart deluxe chrome paneled coffeemakers filled with over-roasted Starbuck's Breakfast Blend. No sir. No cellophane baggies. No Swiffer Wet Jets. No virtual diversions, no paperwork, no Congress. But alas, no central heat.